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The Ordine Iniziatico dei Cavalieri della Luce wel­comes all “free­thinkers”, pro­vid­ed they be of age, upright in their moral con­duct, and in good stand­ing with­in their community.

What is sought for in a can­di­date is the kind of wor­thi­ness which is not mere­ly proven by – or based on – offi­cial doc­u­ments, but is poten­tial­ly capa­ble of affirm­ing pure spir­i­tu­al val­ues, under­stood as a tran­scen­dent qual­i­ty above all indi­vid­ual ties.

As it is nec­es­sary to eval­u­ate each can­di­date’s nat­ur­al dis­po­si­tions, a care­ful process of selec­tion is required, which rules out any low­er, vul­gar form of sweep­ing pros­e­lytism: for each indi­vid­ual can only devel­op a poten­tial that is already with­in him­self; and it is pre­cise­ly these fac­ul­ties that con­sti­tute the qual­i­fi­ca­tions required by our Ini­tia­to­ry Order. 

A close obser­va­tion of can­di­dates ensures opti­mum scruti­ny. The main obsta­cles here are not relat­ed to gen­der or bio­log­i­cal racial dif­fer­ences, or indeed to eco­nom­ic stand­ing, social vis­i­bil­i­ty or the pos­ses­sion of super­fi­cial knowl­edge. Rather, this scruti­ny is exclu­sive­ly meant to eval­u­ate can­di­dates’ incli­na­tion to self-inves­ti­ga­tion and capac­i­ty to draw upon nat­ur­al pre­dis­po­si­tions that may help them sus­tain an “active” per­son­al effort and pre­pare for the kind of ele­va­tion which is the pre­req­ui­site of a cer­tain “race of the spir­it” – regard­less of pure­ly mate­r­i­al conditions. 

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